(PDF) Temperature effect on the characteristic solute–solvent retention interactions, calculated with Abraham's solvation model, for 16 GLC stationary phases - DOKUMEN.TIPS (2024)

(PDF) Temperature effect on the characteristic solute–solvent retention interactions, calculated with Abraham's solvation model, for 16 GLC stationary phases - DOKUMEN.TIPS (1)

Temperature effect on the characteristic solute±solvent retentioninteractions, calculated with Abraham's solvation model,

for 16 GLC stationary phases

Jose MarõÂa Santiuste*

Department of Structure and Molecular Dynamics, Instituto de QuõÂmica FõÂsica `̀ Rocasolano'' CSIC, C. Serrano 119, 28006-Madrid, Spain

Received 12 March 1998; received in revised form 10 August 1998; accepted 15 August 1998


Speci®c stationary phase constants used in Abraham's solvation model were determined by multiple linear regression analysis

(MLRA) for 16 stationary phases (SP) at various temperatures. Hydrogen-bond acidity complexes were negligible for all SPs.

The in¯uence of temperature on the solute±SP interactions and on its different terms, both nonpolar (or cavity-dispersion), and

polar, has been determined for a series of solutes. Good negative-slope straight lines both for the cavity-dispersion vs. T and

for the polar contribution vs. T plots were obtained, the former having a much greater slope than the latter.

Also, the dependence of the cavity-dispersion and of the polar retention terms for various chemical functions in three SPs at

different temperatures was studied. The cavity-dispersion term increased with decreasing temperature, while the polar term

was almost temperature independent. At each temperature, the cavity-dispersion term increased with the Z chain length,

excellent linear correlations being obtained for every chemical function tested. # 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights


Keywords: Gas±liquid chromatography; Stationary phases; Solutes and chemical functions; Abraham's solvation model; Temperature


1. Introduction

The mechanism by which an analyte is retained in a

chromatographic column at a given temperature has

been successfully treated by several solvation models:

the models of Abraham et al. [1±3], Carr et al. [4,5]

and by the Gibbs energy of solvation model of Poole

et al. [6±10]. Although with some differences, the

essence of all these models is that when a substrate is

injected into a column coated with an organic solvent

called stationary phase (SP) and pushed through by a

carrier gas called mobile phase, three phenomena

occur: ®rst, a cavity of a similar size to that of a

solute molecule is created into the solvent; second,

solvent molecules rearrange around the cavity; and

third, a solute molecule gets into the cavity and solute±

solvent interactions take place. In the gas±liquid

chromatography (GLC) solvation process a solute

molecule is transferred from the mobile phase to

the SP, so that the ratio of solute concentrations on

the SP and on the mobile phase is ruled by a dynamic

equilibrium. The total change in the Gibbs energy of

Analytica Chimica Acta 377 (1998) 71±83

*Fax: 34-1-564-2431; e-mail: [emailprotected]

0003-2670/98/$ ± see front matter # 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

P I I : S 0 0 0 3 - 2 6 7 0 ( 9 8 ) 0 0 5 9 3 - 5

(PDF) Temperature effect on the characteristic solute–solvent retention interactions, calculated with Abraham's solvation model, for 16 GLC stationary phases - DOKUMEN.TIPS (2)

solution is the sum of the Gibbs energy of solution

released in each of the three above processes, as

Golovnya et al. [11,12] stated.

In the present work the solvation model according

of Abraham et al. was used. Its master equation allows

the calculation of the speci®c retention volume, Vgi:

log Vgi � c� rR2 � s�H2 � a�H

2 � b�H2 � l log L16;


where r, s, a, b and l are the characteristic constants of

each SP and R2, �H2 ; �

H2 ; �

H2 and log L16 are the

explanatory variables [13] or descriptors of each

solute. The different binary products determine each

characteristic intermolecular solute±SP interaction, in

this order: n/� electron pairs (rR2), dipoles (s�H2 ),

hydrogen-bond basicity complexes (a�H2 ) and hydro-

gen-bond acidity complexes (b�H2 ). l log L16 is mainly

associated with the dispersion forces. The constant c is

always negative; it is obtained by multiple linear

regression analysis (MLRA), and its value depends

on the quality of the ®tting.

As is well known [14]

�GSPi �SOLTN� � ÿ2:303RT log KLi; (2)

where �GSPi �SOLTN� is the partial molar Gibbs

energy of solution of solute i on the stationary phase

SP, R the gas constant�1.987 cal molÿ1 Kÿ1, T the

column temperature (in K) and KLi is the gas±liquid

partition coef®cient (moles of solute per unit volume

of liquid/moles of solute per unit volume of gas phase)

of solute i in the stationary phase SP. It is assumed that

adsorption is unimportant at these temperatures, and

therefore the retention mechanism is mainly based on


The relation between Vgi and KLi can be described

by [15]

Vgi � 273:2KLi

T�; (3)

where � is the stationary phase density in g mlÿ1.

Rearranging leads to

log KLi � logVgiT�


� �: (4)

Substitution of log KLi of Eq. (4) in Eq. (2) yields

�GSPi �SOLTN�ÿ2:303RT

� logVgiT�


� �: (5)

Rearranging gives

log Vgi � �GSPi �SOLTN�ÿ2:303RT

� const: (6)

This expression is used here to evaluate the two more

important solute±solvent interaction retention contri-

butions (as a function of the dimensionless log Vgi):

the cavity-dispersion or nonpolar contribution, which

will be denoted as ÿ�G(C/D)/2.303RT [14] and the

polar contribution, which will be denoted asÿ�G(P)/

2.303RT, [14]:



c� l log L16ÿ �

; (7)



rR2 � s�H2 � a�H

2 � b�H2

ÿ �; (8)

both dimensionless, and

�G�C=D� � ÿ2:303RTX�c� l log L16� (9)


�G�P� � ÿ2:303RTX

rR2 � s�H2 � a�H

2 � b�H2

ÿ �(10)

in cal molÿ1 or J molÿ1, depending on the units cho-

sen. The treatment of Carr et al. [4,5] is almost equal to

that of Abraham et al., the differences being restricted

to some of the explanatory variables.

The Gibbs energy solvation model of Poole and

coworkers [6±10] can be formulated as


i �CAV� ��GSPi �NP�

��GSPi �P�; (11)

where the left member is the same as in Eq. (2), but the

Gibbs energy is given as partial molal energy instead

of partial molar energy, �GSPi �CAV� is the partial

molal Gibbs energy of cavity formation of solute i on

the stationary phase SP, and �GSPi �NP� and �GSP

i �P�are the nonpolar and polar contributions to the partial

molar Gibbs energy of solution of solute i on the

stationary phase SP, respectively. Good correlations

between the two models, Poole et al. and Abraham et

al., have been obtained [16,17].

Temperature is one of the most important variables

in gas±liquid chromatography, its control being cru-

cial in the optimization of separations. Since speci®c

retention volumes depend on temperature, their dis-

tinct contributions as given by Eq. (1), must be

affected by it.

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(PDF) Temperature effect on the characteristic solute–solvent retention interactions, calculated with Abraham's solvation model, for 16 GLC stationary phases - DOKUMEN.TIPS (3)

Poole et al. [6] reported increasing polar and non-

polar retention contributions with increasing tempera-

ture at two temperatures for compounds retained by a

mixed retention mechanism. Besides, they studied the

effect of temperature on the retention mechanism for

10 SPs spanning a wide range of solvents properties

and 46 solutes of different sizes and polarities over the

temperature range 60±1408C [17], and the solution

properties of 48 solutes in two SPs: n-octyl phthalate

and n-octyl tetrachlorophthalate over the temperature

range 60±1208C [18].

In the ®rst case it appeared that the contributions

from polar interactions were only weakly tempera-

ture-dependent, while the cavity-dispersion interac-

tion term showed a much more signi®cant variation,

becoming less favourable for solute transfer at higher

temperatures. For all systems, the contribution of the

cavity-dispersion interaction was favourable for solute

transfer from the gas phase to the liquid phase.

In the second case, for di-n-octyl phthalate the

constants s, a and l decreased with increasing tem-

perature, while the constant c became more negative.

For di-n-octyl tetrachlorophthalate the constants c and

a diminished with increasing temperature, while the

constants r, l and s were virtually unchanged. The

study of the contributions from individual intermole-

cular interactions to the gas±liquid partition coef®-

cient of benzyl alcohol in di-n-octylphthalate as a

function of temperature revealed an important

decrease in the cavity-dispersion term with increasing

temperature, and a slight decrease in the dipole and

solute hydrogen-bond acid/solvent hydrogen-bond

base interactions. Almost the same was found for

di-n-octyl tetrachlorophthalate, the difference being

that the n/� electron donor/acceptor interaction con-

tribution was not zero.

In this work studies about the effect of temperature

on the different intermolecular solute±solvent inter-

actions of about 100 solutes and 16 SPs over the 60±

1808C temperature range were carried out, in order to

elucidate the effect of temperature on the different

interactions taking part in the retention process.

2. Experimental

Stationary phases. (a) Group I consisted of seven

poly(methyl-3,3,3-tri¯uoropropyl) siloxanes: TFPS00,

TFPS09, TFPS15, TFPS25, TFPS26 [19,20], TFPS50

(OV-215 and QF-1) [21], with, respectively, 0, 9, 15,

25, 26 and 50% of TFP (tri¯uoropropyl) group sub-

stitution, and XF-1150 [22±24]; (b) group II consisted

of eight SPs according to Tian and Munk [25]: PEE,

poly(ethylethylene); PP1, polypropylene; PDMS,

poly(dimethylsiloxane); PCL, polycaprolactone;

PECH, poly(epichlorohydrin); PMA, poly(methyl

acrylate) and PBMA, poly(n-butyl methyl acrylate).

Solutes. (a) n-alkanes (from n-hexane to n-hexade-

cane, standards); (b) the 10McReynolds' tests: benzene,

n-butanol, pentan-2-one, 1-nitropropane, pyridine,

2-methyl-pentan-2-ol, 1-iodobutane, oct-2-yne, 1,4-

dioxane and cis-hydrindane [26]; (c) solutes with

unifunctional groups: alkyl benzenes (from benzene

to n-pentyl benzene); alkanols (from propanol-1 to

octanol-1) and cyclohexanol; alkan-2-ones (from pro-

panone to undecan-2-one) and cyclohexanone; esters:

formates (methyl, ethyl, n-propyl and n-butyl) and

acetates (methyl, etyhyl, n-propyl and n-butyl);

nitriles (propionitrile, butyronitrile, valeronitrile, hex-

anenitrile and benzonitrile); aniline and N,N-dimethyl

aniline, nitrobenzene, chlorobenzene, 1-chlorobutane

and 1,1,1-trichloroethane; (d) other solutes used by

Tian and Munk different from those above: cycloalk-

anes (cyclopentane, cyclohexane, cycloheptane and

cyclooctane); cyclohexene, chloromethanes (methyl

chloride, methylene chloride, chloroform and carbon

tetrachloride); n-alkyl chlorides (n-butyl, n-pentyl, n-

hexyl and n-octyl); 1,1-dichloroethane, 1,2-dichloro-

ethane, methylchloroform and tetrahydrofuran [25].

Temperature ranges. 60±1408C for TFPS00,

TFPS09 and TFPS15 (®ve spaced temperatures,

208C apart); 80±1408C for TFPS25 and TFPS26 (four

spaced temperatures, 208C apart); 90±1808C for OV-

215 and QF-1 (four spaced temperatures, 308C apart);

90±1508C for XF-1150 (®ve spaced temperatures,

158C apart); 60±1208C for PEE, PDMS, PECH and

PMA (seven spaced temperatures, 108C apart), and

70±1208C for PCL, PEA, PP1 and PBMA (six spaced

temperatures, 108C apart) [22].

Chromatographs and other apparatus have been

described elsewhere [19±21,23,24,27]. SPs were

applied as packed and wall-coated open tubular

(WCOT) capillary columns. The carrier gas was nitro-

gen. Vgi values were taken as the mean of six chro-

matograms per each compound of the SPs of group I.

As for the SPs of group II, Vgi were obtained with an

J.M. Santiuste / Analytica Chimica Acta 377 (1998) 71±83 73

(PDF) Temperature effect on the characteristic solute–solvent retention interactions, calculated with Abraham's solvation model, for 16 GLC stationary phases - DOKUMEN.TIPS (4)

accuracy of 1%, and `̀ in most cases, the retention of

the support was within 2% of the corrected retention

volume of the probe'' [25]. Vgi values at 1208C were

estimated by extrapolation for the SPs of group II.

3. Results and discussion

3.1. Dependence of specific phase constants on

column temperature

Table 1 lists the values of the characteristic con-

stants obtained by applying MLRA to the two above

groups of SPs taken from [19±24]: group I, with

phases 1±8 (60±1508C temperature range) and group

II, with phases 9±16 (60±1208C temperature range).

Statistical factors R (multiple correlation coef®cient),

F (Fisher constant) and s.d. (standard deviation of the

estimate), respectively, are also included. Thirty to

fourty-®ve solutes were used for the ®ttings but for

OV-215 and QF-1, which were characterized with only

23 and 18 solutes, respectively. Two plots are given to

improve the comprehension of Table 1.

Fig. 1 is the plot of the constant s vs. T (8C)

for SPs 1±8, where eight straight lines (average

r2�0.985) were obtained. The negative slopes of

these straight lines decreased with decreasing SP


Fig. 2 is the constant l vs. T (8C) plot of SPs 9±16

(group II), for which the constant l diminishes as T

increases. The dependence of the constant l on tem-

perature is also clear in group I (SPs 1±8). The least

mean square regression (lmsr) parameters of the con-

stant s vs. T, averaged over all SPs, were: av. slope�ÿ2.6135�10ÿ3, av. intercept�0.7741 and av. r2�0.995 for the SPs of group I, and av. slope�ÿ3.0709�10ÿ3, av. intercept�0.8719 and av. r2�0.991 for

constant l vs. T for the SPs of group II. Good lmsr

straight lines were also obtained for the constant c vs.

T plots for all SPs of group I, with av. slope�2.1247�10ÿ3, av. intercept�ÿ0.1299 and av. r2�0.966; as for

group II, good correlations were also obtained for all

SPs but PMA. Disregarding this SP, the lmsr para-

meter values were: av. slope�2.6309�10ÿ3, av. inter-

cept�ÿ0.0773 and av. r2�0.8943. With respect to the

dependence of the constant s on T, somewhat worse

decreasing lmsr straight lines were found for the SPs

11, 15 and 16, and increasing straight lines for the

remaining SPs in group II, the averaged regression

parameter values being: av. slope�ÿ2.0366�10ÿ3,

av. intercept�0.7403 and av. r2�0.931. For group I

all the lmsr straight lines obtained were decreasing,

Fig. 1. Plot of the phase constant s vs. temperature for the

stationary phases of group I. SPs: 1, TFPS00; 2, FTFPS09; 3,

TFPS15; 4, TFPS25; 5, TFPS26; 6, TFPS50 (OV-215); 7, TFPS50

(QF-1); and 8, XF-1150.

Fig. 2. Plot of the phase constant l vs. temperature for the

stationary phases of group II. SPs: 9, PEE; 10, PDMS; 11, PCL; 12,

PEA; 13, PECH; 14, PP1; 15, PMA; and 16, PBMA.

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Table 1

Characteristic specific phase constants and corresponding fitting parameters at several temperatures

SP no. T (8C) c r s a l R F�103 s.d.

Group I

1 TFPS00 60 ÿ0.0318 ÿ0.0657 0.2489 0.2679 0.6891 0.9978 1.866 0.0233

80 ÿ0.0971 ÿ0.0298 0.2218 0.2128 0.6144 0.9983 2.385 0.0184

100 ÿ0.1488 ÿ0.0010 0.2004 0.1870 0.5491 0.9986 2.886 0.0153

120 ÿ0.1935 0.0229 0.1810 0.1401 0.4920 0.9990 3.980 0.0113

140 ÿ0.2311 0.0357 0.1695 0.1355 0.4417 0.9990 3.960 0.0099

2 TFPS09 60 ÿ0.0899 ÿ0.2320 0.5691 0.2493 0.6820 0.9983 2.353 0.0216

80 ÿ0.1529 ÿ0.1866 0.5253 0.2287 0.6085 0.9986 2.850 0.0183

100 ÿ0.2069 ÿ0.1442 0.4770 0.1936 0.5450 0.9987 3.214 0.0157

120 ÿ0.2498 ÿ0.1012 0.4227 0.1624 0.4888 0.9988 3.570 0.0137

140 ÿ0.2869 ÿ0.0770 0.3970 0.1630 0.4394 0.9989 3.579 0.0125

3 TFPS15 60 ÿ0.1540 ÿ0.3185 0.7752 0.2687 0.6723 0.9980 2.066 0.0238

80 ÿ0.2102 ÿ0.2612 0.7039 0.2289 0.5988 0.9982 2.283 0.0207

100 ÿ0.2604 ÿ0.2156 0.6433 0.2043 0.5354 0.9984 2.489 0.0178

120 ÿ0.3002 ÿ0.1757 0.5900 0.1854 0.4796 0.9983 2.472 0.0164

140 ÿ0.3065 ÿ0.1231 0.5525 0.2476 0.4228 0.9918 4.946 0.0238

4 TFPS25 80 ÿ0.280 ÿ0.263 0.803 0.074 0.5733 0.9969 1.379 0.0259

100 ÿ0.336 ÿ0.242 0.777 0.098 0.5137 0.9973 1.566 0.0226

120 ÿ0.382 ÿ0.213 0.731 0.105 0.4615 0.9969 1.385 0.0219

140 ÿ0.421 ÿ0.188 0.689 0.111 0.4152 0.9966 1.260 0.0207

5 TFPS26 80 ÿ0.2929 ÿ0.3370 0.9392 0.2267 0.5761 0.9974 1.557 0.0243

100 ÿ0.3383 ÿ0.2958 0.8769 0.2165 0.5147 0.9971 1.405 0.0228

120 ÿ0.3819 ÿ0.2553 0.8106 0.2010 0.4620 0.9968 1.271 0.0217

140 ÿ0.4192 ÿ0.2211 0.7559 0.1916 0.4153 0.9964 1.144 0.0213

6 OV-215 90 ÿ0.3689 ÿ0.4898 1.3975 0.2719 0.4883 0.9977 0.780 0.0187

120 ÿ0.4024 ÿ0.4180 1.2416 0.3263 0.4056 0.9978 0.832 0.0204

150 ÿ0.4938 ÿ0.3302 1.1908 0.3773 0.3392 0.9920 0.210 0.0331

180 ÿ0.5086 ÿ0.3178 1.0463 0.3437 0.2921 0.9970 0.526 0.0190

7 QF-1 90 ÿ0.4556 ÿ0.4466 1.3509 0.3099 0.4990 0.9992 1.532 0.0138

120 ÿ0.5232 ÿ0.3832 1.2203 0.3171 0.4180 0.9986 0.960 0.0162

150 ÿ0.5391 ÿ0.3225 1.0859 0.2757 0.3493 0.9977 0.514 0.0179

180 ÿ0.579 ÿ0.3140 1.0157 0.3297 0.3009 0.9969 0.386 0.0188

8 XF-1150 90 ÿ0.5797 ÿ0.0173 1.6898 1.5568 0.4731 0.9882 0.391 0.0622

105 ÿ0.6494 0.0091 1.5838 1.3938 0.4352 0.9888 0.412 0.0556

120 ÿ0.6920 0.0273 1.529 1.298 0.3965 0.9873 0.363 0.0582

135 ÿ0.719 0.0457 1.476 1.223 0.3598 0.9867 0.346 0.0559

150 ÿ0.7434 0.0488 1.4167 1.1228 0.3303 0.9859 0.328 0.0538

Group II

9 PEE 60 ÿ0.1147 0.1722 0.0805 ÿ0.0404 0.7710 0.9994 5.184 0.0186

70 ÿ0.1387 0.1667 0.1036 ÿ0.0482 0.7331 0.9992 4.186 0.0190

80 ÿ0.1182 0.1654 0.0956 ÿ0.0950 0.6870 0.9970 1.054 0.0249

90 ÿ0.1519 0.1292 0.1475 ÿ0.0339 0.6577 0.9994 5.855 0.0156

100 ÿ0.1701 0.1325 0.1612 ÿ0.0781 0.6259 0.9990 3.275 0.0179

110 ÿ0.1684 0.1097 0.2051 ÿ0.0351 0.5916 0.9993 4.593 0.0159

120 ÿ0.1827 0.1036 0.2051 ÿ0.0472 0.5616 0.9992 3.805 0.0159

10 PDMS 60 ÿ0.0028 0.3358 ÿ0.1435 0.3031 0.7003 0.9989 3.049 0.0208

70 ÿ0.0066 0.2958 ÿ0.1164 0.2656 0.6571 0.9991 3.505 0.0183

80 ÿ0.0250 0.2805 ÿ0.0811 0.2230 0.6234 0.9993 4.529 0.0145

90 ÿ0.0419 0.2634 ÿ0.0594 0.2127 0.5909 0.9993 4.850 0.0131

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with av. slope�ÿ2.8609�10ÿ3, av. intercept�1.1932

and av. r2�0.985.

The dependence of the constant r on T was as

follows: increasing straight lines were obtained for

all SPs of group I, with av. slope�2.9555�10ÿ3, av.

intercept�ÿ0.3926, and av. r2�0.969. For group II,

SPs 11, 15 and 16 yielded increasing straight lines,

while the others yielded decreasing straight lines, with

av. slope�ÿ1.3096�10ÿ4, av. intercept�ÿ9.908�10ÿ4 and av. r2�0.939.

The dependence of the constant a on T was more

complex. Considering group I, for the SP 7 a straight

Table 1 (Continued )

SP no. T (8C) c r s a l R F�103 s.d.

100 ÿ0.0333 0.2353 ÿ0.0364 0.1940 0.5556 0.9994 5.477 0.0379

110 ÿ0.0713 0.2201 ÿ0.0230 0.1420 0.5328 0.9994 5.136 0.0116

120 ÿ0.0691 0.1970 0.0034 0.1278 0.4998 0.9995 6.348 0.0096

11 PCL 70 ÿ0.4331 0.1236 1.3914 1.967 0.6451 0.9998 2.742 0.0179

80 ÿ0.4395 0.1506 1.3183 1.828 0.6116 0.9988 2.467 0.0171

90 ÿ0.4444 0.1736 1.2505 1.708 0.5796 0.9988 2.698 0.0170

100 ÿ0.4716 0.2071 1.1767 1.589 0.5539 0.9987 2.412 0.0217

110 ÿ0.4861 0.2160 1.1291 1.481 0.5284 0.9986 2.325 0.0162

120 ÿ0.4934 0.2439 1.0622 1.373 0.5100 0.9984 1.999 0.0169

12 PEA 70 ÿ0.4131 1.4420 0.0789 1.945 0.6089 0.9982 1.663 0.0220

80 ÿ0.4159 1.3670 0.1046 1.809 0.5754 0.9985 2.029 0.0188

90 ÿ0.4203 1.2940 0.1259 1.693 0.5456 0.9985 1.722 0.0202

100 ÿ0.4232 1.2382 0.1316 1.575 0.5158 0.9980 1.486 0.0207

110 ÿ0.4404 1.2101 0.1212 1.489 0.4943 0.9967 0.908 0.0230

120 ÿ0.4439 1.1287 0.1521 1.364 0.4678 0.9974 1.168 0.0200

13 PECH 60 ÿ0.7001 1.5100 0.2508 1.242 0.6459 0.9971 1.097 0.0315

70 ÿ0.6879 1.4050 0.2869 1.137 0.6102 0.9970 1.079 0.0303

80 ÿ0.6738 1.3230 0.2985 1.053 0.5759 0.9970 1.067 0.0292

90 ÿ0.6884 1.2660 0.3147 0.931 0.5493 0.9960 0.846 0.0322

100 ÿ0.6880 1.2000 0.3195 0.890 0.5233 0.9960 0.866 0.0298

110 ÿ0.6866 1.1520 0.3212 0.859 0.4983 0.9954 0.697 0.0310

120 ÿ0.6790 1.0630 0.3540 0.743 0.4710 0.9957 0.738 0.0286

14 PP1 70 ÿ0.1850 0.1765 0.0726 0.0185 0.7436 0.9991 3.652 0.0208

80 ÿ0.1677 0.1456 0.0826 ÿ0.0003 0.6999 0.9996 9.264 0.0120

90 ÿ0.2120 0.1436 0.1291 ÿ0.0435 0.6715 0.9992 4.071 0.0175

100 ÿ0.2427 0.1813 0.1371 ÿ0.0362 0.6418 0.9990 3.115 0.0172

110 ÿ0.2850 0.0931 0.1974 ÿ0.0192 0.6232 0.9986 2.172 0.0220

120 ÿ0.3024 0.1293 0.2077 ÿ0.0348 0.5863 0.9979 1.519 0.0243

15 PMA 60 ÿ0.9110 0.0791 2.1340 2.4050 0.6353 0.9914 1.047 0.0367

70 ÿ0.7454 0.1667 1.8638 2.1282 0.5751 0.9974 1.225 0.0297

80 ÿ0.6634 0.2046 1.6796 1.9201 0.5340 0.9976 1.308 0.0272

90 ÿ0.6291 0.2367 1.5617 1.7802 0.5025 0.9972 1.124 0.0274

100 ÿ0.6175 0.2571 1.4717 1.6558 0.4747 0.9969 1.042 0.0274

110 ÿ0.6219 0.2691 1.3886 1.5396 0.4524 0.9966 0.947 0.0264

120 ÿ0.5520 0.2837 1.2617 1.3872 0.4221 0.9941 0.541 0.0311

16 PBMA 70 ÿ0.3615 ÿ0.0118 1.0610 1.6800 0.6935 0.9992 3.976 0.0152

80 ÿ0.3845 0.0311 1.0052 1.5469 0.6612 0.9990 3.075 0.0167

90 ÿ0.3899 ÿ0.0102 1.0317 1.4651 0.6344 0.9948 0.613 0.0266

100 ÿ0.3965 0.0602 0.9243 1.3512 0.6000 0.9986 2.198 0.0190

110 ÿ0.4254 0.1613 0.7912 1.2307 0.5715 0.9970 1.054 0.0231

120 ÿ0.4129 0.1790 0.7606 1.1127 0.5385 0.9974 1.246 0.0228

76 J.M. Santiuste / Analytica Chimica Acta 377 (1998) 71±83

(PDF) Temperature effect on the characteristic solute–solvent retention interactions, calculated with Abraham's solvation model, for 16 GLC stationary phases - DOKUMEN.TIPS (7)

line parallel to the T axis was obtained; for SPs 1±3, 5

and 8 decreasing straight lines were obtained, while

SPs 4 and 6 gave increasing straight lines; SPs 3 and 6

yielded bad correlations. After elimination of these

two lines the averaged parameter values were: av.

slope�ÿ1.2923�10ÿ3, av. slope�0.6270 and av.

r2�0.946. Considering group II, a vs. T plots gave

quasi-zero slope straight lines parallel to the T axis for

SPs 9 and 14. Decreasing straight lines with averaged

slope�9.7316�10ÿ3, av. intercept�2.2327 and av.

r2�0.985 for the the remaining SP plots were

obtained. In short, most speci®c SP constants showed

a good linear temperature dependence within the

temperature ranges studied.

3.2. Dependence on temperature of the interaction


Retention, estimated as log Vgi, as calculated from

Eq. (1), is composed of two contributions: nonpolar

(or cavity-dispersion), equal toP�c� l log L16� �

ÿ�G�C=D�=2:303RT, and polar, equal toP�rR2�

s�H2 � a�H

2 � � ÿ�G�P�=2:303RT , because b�0 in all

the SPs tested. Both interactions were studied in detail

for a series of solutes on two chosen SPs.

Table 2 listsP�c� l log L16� and

P�rR2 � s�H2

�a�H2 � for n-hexane and other 11 solutes: cyclohex-

ane, cyclohexene, benzene, n-butyl acetate, amyl

alcohol, methylethyl ketone, trichloromethane, 1,2-

dichloroethane, chlorobenzene, tetrahydrofuran and

chlorohexane on PEA, poly(ethyl acrylate), at 708C,

808C, 908C, 1008C, 1108C and 1208C, Vgi values at the

last temperature were obtained by extrapolation. In

Table 3 values for n-hexane and other 10 solutes

pertaining to various chemical functions on TFPS26

at 808C, 1008C, 1208C and 1408C are presented. Both

retention terms decreased with increasing tempera-

ture, the gradient for the nonpolar term being much


Table 4 shows the lmsr straight lines obtained for

the two ®ttings: ÿ�G�C=D�=2:303RT vs. T and

ÿ�G�P�=2:303RT vs. T. The averaged values for

the above 12 solutes were: av. slope�ÿ8.869�10ÿ3,

av. intercept�1.9905 and av. r2�0.998 for the former

®tting, and av. slope�ÿ3.414�10ÿ3, av. inter-

cept�1.1025 and av. r2�0.971 (for 11 solutes since

n-hexane was disregarded) for the latter ®tting. The

averaged slope ratio was 8.869�10ÿ3:3.414�10ÿ3

�2.6, which quanti®es that the straight lines for the

cavity-dispersion vs. T plots decrease more strongly.

Table 5 lists the lmsr parameter values of the cavity-

dispersion vs. T and of the polar retention contribution

vs. T for n-hexane and the solutes: benzene, hexan-2-

one, cyclohexanol, n-butyl acetate, hexanenitrile,

nitrobenzene, aniline, chlorobenzene, pyridine and

1-nitropropane on TFPS26 (80±1408C temperature

range). The average values were: av. slope�ÿ0.0112,

av. intercept�2.5545 and av. r2�0.997 for the former

®tting, and av. slope�ÿ1.457�10ÿ3, av. intercept�0.687 and av. r2�0.993 (n-hexane disregarded in this

case) for the latter ®tting. The averaged slope ratio was

Table 2

Cavity-dispersion and polar interaction±retention values of

n-hexane and 11 other solutes on PEA (temperature range:


T (8C)

70 80 90 100 110 120P�c� l log L16�n-C6 1.211 1.119 1.035 0.953 0.879 0.804

CC6 1.392 1.289 1.197 1.106 1.025 0.943

CHX 1.426 1.322 1.228 1.135 1.053 0.969

BNZ 1.283 1.187 1.100 1.014 0.937 0.859

NBA 1.629 1.513 1.409 1.306 1.217 1.125

AOH 1.478 1.371 1.275 1.179 1.095 1.009

MEK 0.979 0.900 0.827 0.757 0.690 0.626

CL3 1.097 1.011 0.933 0.856 0.786 0.716

D12 1.153 1.064 0.984 0.904 0.832 0.760

CLB 1.814 1.688 1.575 1.463 1.368 1.267

THF 1.192 1.101 1.018 0.937 0.863 0.789

CLH 1.887 1.757 1.641 1.525 1.427 1.323

P�rR2 � s�H2 � a�H

2 � �b � 0�n-C6 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000

CC6 0.168 0.169 0.168 0.164 0.158 0.159

CHX 0.514 0.496 0.478 0.457 0.439 0.422

BNZ 1.072 1.028 0.987 0.945 0.912 0.861

NBA 0.871 0.828 0.758 0.752 0.735 0.688

AOH 1.342 1.266 1.197 1.132 1.086 1.012

MEK 1.022 0.974 0.927 0.888 0.867 0.815

CL3 1.032 0.986 0.942 0.899 0.868 0.822

D12 1.150 1.099 1.050 1.005 0.974 0.857

CLB 0.994 0.964 0.931 0.899 0.874 0.843

THF 0.773 0.741 0.709 0.682 0.664 0.631

CLH 0.593 0.568 0.543 0.522 0.508 0.482

Solutes: CC6, cyclohexane; CHX, cyclohexene; BNZ, benzene;

NBA, n-butyl acetate; AOH, amyl alcohol; MEK, methyl ethyl

ketone; CL3, chloroform; D12, 1,2-dichloroethane; CLB, chloro-

benzene; THF, tetrahydrofuran and CLH, chlorohexane.

J.M. Santiuste / Analytica Chimica Acta 377 (1998) 71±83 77

(PDF) Temperature effect on the characteristic solute–solvent retention interactions, calculated with Abraham's solvation model, for 16 GLC stationary phases - DOKUMEN.TIPS (8)

now 7.7, con®rming, therefore, that the variation of the

polar contribution with T is much smaller than that of

the cavity-dispersion.

Fig. 3 is the cavity-dispersion term vs. T plot, for

the solutes n-hexane, benzene, pyridine, hexan-2-one,

chlorobenzene, aniline and nitrobenzene in XF-1150

(90±1508C T range), ®ve temperatures at 158C inter-

vals. Good negative slope straight lines were obtained

Table 3

Cavity-dispersion and polar interaction retention of n-hexane and 10 polar solutes on TFPS26 (temperature range: 80±1408C)

Solute T (8C) T (8C)

80 100 120 140 80 100 120 140P�c� l log L16� P�rR2 � s�H2 � a�H

2 �n-Hexane 1.244 1.035 0.851 0.689 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000

Benzene 1.312 1.096 0.905 0.738 0.282 0.276 0.265 0.256

Hexan-2-one 1.586 1.341 1.125 0.936 0.593 0.556 0.516 0.484

Cyclohexanol 1.872 1.596 1.354 1.141 0.424 0.406 0.385 0.367

n-Butyl acetate 1.639 1.387 1.167 0.973 0.539 0.505 0.468 0.437

Hexanenitrile 1.786 1.519 1.285 1.079 0.789 0.740 0.687 0.643

Nitrobenzene 2.332 2.007 1.723 1.473 0.749 0.715 0.678 0.646

Aniline 1.973 1.686 1.436 1.215 0.580 0.546 0.534 0.515

Chlorobenzene 1.814 1.544 1.308 1.100 0.368 0.358 0.344 0.332

Pyridine 1.448 1.217 1.014 0.836 0.576 0.549 0.520 0.496

1-Nitropropane 1.374 1.151 0.955 0.783 0.810 0.761 0.708 0.665

Table 4

Least mean square regression of cavity-dispersion �ÿ�G�C=D�=2:303RT� interaction vs. T and of polar interaction �ÿ�G�P�=2:303RT� vs. T. SP: PEA (temperature range: 70±1208C)

Solute Slope (8Cÿ1) Intercept r2 Covariancexy

ÿ�G�C=D�=2:303RT vs. T

n-C6 ÿ8.106Eÿ03 1.7702 0.9983 ÿ2.837

CC6 ÿ8.937Eÿ03 2.0077 0.9980 ÿ3.128

CHX ÿ9.100Eÿ03 2.0533 0.9981 ÿ3.185

BNZ ÿ8.446Eÿ03 1.8657 0.9983 ÿ2.956

NBA ÿ10.030Eÿ03 2.3195 0.9977 ÿ3.511

AOH ÿ9.340Eÿ03 2.1218 0.9981 ÿ3.269

MEK ÿ7.043Eÿ03 1.4656 0.9986 ÿ2.465

CL3 ÿ7.591Eÿ03 1.6210 0.9985 ÿ2.657

D12 ÿ7.831Eÿ03 1.6935 0.9984 ÿ2.741

CLB ÿ10.880Eÿ03 2.5625 0.9976 ÿ3.807

THF ÿ8.029Eÿ03 1.7460 0.9984 ÿ2.810

CLH ÿ11.200Eÿ03 2.6590 0.9976 ÿ3.926

Average ÿ8.869Eÿ03 1.9905 0.9980 ÿ2.664

ÿ�G�P�=2:303RT vs. T

CC6 ÿ2.343Eÿ04 0.1866 0.8187 ÿ0.082

CHX ÿ1.863Eÿ03 0.6446 0.9993 ÿ0.652

BNZ ÿ4.129Eÿ03 1.3597 0.9980 ÿ1.806

NBA ÿ3.429Eÿ03 1.0977 0.9368 ÿ1.200

AOH ÿ6.443Eÿ03 1.7846 0.9957 ÿ2.255

MEK ÿ3.986Eÿ03 1.2941 0.9891 ÿ1.395

CL3 ÿ4.134Eÿ03 1.3176 0.9973 ÿ1.447

D12 ÿ5.386Eÿ03 1.5341 0.9593 ÿ1.885

CLB ÿ3.020Eÿ03 1.2044 0.9987 ÿ1.057

THF ÿ2.766Eÿ03 0.9627 0.9936 ÿ0.968

CLH ÿ2.160Eÿ03 0.7412 0.9935 ÿ0.756

Average ÿ3.414Eÿ03 1.1025 0.9709 ÿ1.227

Solute legend (see Table 2).

Fig. 3. Plot of the interaction cavity-dispersion term,P�c�

l log L16�, as a function of temperature for seven solutes on XF-

1150 (90±1058C). Solutes: 1, n-hexane; 2, benzene; 3, pyridine; 4,

hexan-2-one; 5, chlorobenzene; 6, aniline; and 7, nitrobenzene.

78 J.M. Santiuste / Analytica Chimica Acta 377 (1998) 71±83

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in all cases, showing decreasing ÿ�G�C=D�=2:303RT values with increasing temperature. The

averaged lmsr parameters were: av. slope�ÿ0.0108,

av. intercept�1.9883 and av. r2�0.990.

Fig. 4(a) and (b) show the plots of the retention

interaction contributions of benzene on TFPS09 (60±

1408C T range) and on XF-1150 (90±1508C T range),

respectively. A smooth variation of the n/� electronic

polarizability interaction (1) with temperature was

found for the two plots, with slopes of 0.001207

and 0.000685, respectively. The dipole interactions

term s�H2 (2) was somewhat larger for the more polar

XF-1150 (Fig. 4(b)). Their respective variations with

temperature yielded decreasing straight lines with

increasing temperature, the ratio of the slope of the

dipole interaction vs. T for XF-1150 to that for

TFPSO9 was nearly 2. The dashed curve (overall

polar term) for XF-1150 was rather more signi®cant

(0.8<interaction<1.0) than that for the much less polar

TFPS09 (0.0<interaction<0.3). Cavity-dispersion

interactions also gave decreasing straight lines as T

increased. The temperature dependence of the non-

polar interaction was somewhat more important in

TFPS09 (slope�ÿ0.010879) than in XF-1150

(slope�ÿ0.009347), the ratio being 1.2.

Fig. 5(a) and (b) show the temperature dependence

plots of the interaction retention (log Vg) of cyclohex-

anol on TFPS09 (60±1408C T range) and on XF-1150

(90±1508C), respectively. Fig. 5(a) shows the domi-

nance of the cavity-dispersion term for cyclohexanol

on the less polar TFPS09, while rR2 and a�H2 inter-

actions were similar for both SPs. On the contrary, s�H2

interaction and polar interaction (dashed line) were

much larger for the polar XF-1150 (Fig. 5(b)). The rR2

interaction contributions to retention and their respec-

tive variations with temperature were very small,

yielding quasi-horizontal straight lines, slopes being

0.0009105 and 0.0005171, respectively. The s�H2 inter-

Table 5

Least mean square regression of cavity-dispersion interaction ��G�C=D�=2:30RT� vs. T and of polar interaction ��G�P�=2:303RT� vs. T. SP:

TFPS26 (temperature range: 80±1408C)

Solute Slope (8Cÿ1) Intercept r2 Covariancexy

ÿ�G�C=D�=2:303RT vs. T

Benzene ÿ9.565Eÿ03 2.0649 0.9967 ÿ6.377

Hexan-2-one ÿ10.800Eÿ03 2.4383 0.9967 ÿ10.830

Cyclohexanol ÿ12.200Eÿ03 2.8300 0.9967 ÿ8.117

n-Butyl acetate ÿ11.100Eÿ03 2.5110 0.9966 ÿ7.393

Hexanenitrile ÿ11.780Eÿ03 2.7125 0.9966 ÿ7.850

Nitrobenzene ÿ14.300Eÿ03 3.4573 0.9966 ÿ9.537

Aniline ÿ12.600Eÿ03 2.9567 0.9966 ÿ8.413

Chlorobenzene ÿ11.900Eÿ03 2.7494 0.9966 ÿ7.927

Pyridine ÿ10.200Eÿ03 2.2502 0.9966 ÿ6.797

n-Hexane ÿ9.245Eÿ03 1.9717 0.9968 ÿ6.163

1-Nitropropane ÿ9.845Eÿ03 2.1487 0.9966 ÿ6.563

Average ÿ11.200Eÿ03 2.5545 0.9966 ÿ7.815

ÿ�G�P�=2:303RT vs. T

Benzene ÿ0.445Eÿ03 0.3187 0.9883 ÿ0.297

Hexan-2-one ÿ1.835Eÿ03 0.7391 0.9982 ÿ1.223

Cyclohexanol ÿ0.960Eÿ03 0.5011 0.9990 ÿ0.640

n-Butyl acetate ÿ1.715Eÿ03 0.6759 0.9989 ÿ1.143

Hexanenitrile ÿ2.455Eÿ03 0.9848 0.9988 ÿ1.637

Nitrobenzene ÿ1.730Eÿ03 0.8873 0.9993 ÿ1.153

Aniline ÿ1.035Eÿ03 0.6576 0.9561 ÿ0.690

Chlorobenzene ÿ0.610Eÿ03 0.4176 0.9962 ÿ0.407

Pyridine ÿ1.345Eÿ03 0.3832 0.9987 ÿ0.897

1-Nitropropane ÿ2.440Eÿ03 1.0044 0.9984 ÿ1.627

Average ÿ1.457Eÿ03 0.6870 0.9930 ÿ0.809

J.M. Santiuste / Analytica Chimica Acta 377 (1998) 71±83 79

(PDF) Temperature effect on the characteristic solute–solvent retention interactions, calculated with Abraham&#039;s solvation model, for 16 GLC stationary phases - DOKUMEN.TIPS (10)

action contribution showed decreasing straight lines

with increasing temperature, the slopes being

ÿ0.0012045 for TFPS09 and ÿ0.002353 for XF-

1150, respectively. The variation of a�H2 with tem-

perature yielded decreasing straight lines with increas-

ing temperature. Their slopes,ÿ0.000382 for TFPS09

and ÿ0.00222 for XF-1150, respectively, suggest that

the T-dependence was stronger for the more polar SP.

The cavity-dispersion interaction was of similar

importance in the two SPs. The effect of temperature

on the cavity-dispersion interaction for cyclohexanol

on TFPS09 and on XF-1150 showed decreasing

straight lines as T increased, with excellent correlation

coef®cients, r2�0.99 or even better (both slopes equal

to ÿ0.01382).

In short, the temperature dependence of the cavity-

dispersion term was much more important than that of

any other retention interaction contribution. It is clear

that at larger temperatures the cavity-dispersion con-

tributions are smaller, which means that it may be

Fig. 4. Plot of the interaction±retention contributions vs. tempera-

ture for benzene on two stationary phases: TFPS09 (a) and XF-

1150 (b). Identifications of lines and symbols: 1, rR2; 2, s�H2 .

Dashed curve, polar interaction: 1�2. 4, cavity-dispersion.

Fig. 5. Plots of the interaction±retention contributions vs. tempera-

ture of cyclohexanol on two stationary phases: TFPS09 (a) and XF-

1150 (b). Identification of lines and symbols: 1, rR2; 2, s�H2 ; and 3,

a�H2 . Dashed line, polar interaction�1�2�3. 4, cavity-dispersion.

80 J.M. Santiuste / Analytica Chimica Acta 377 (1998) 71±83

(PDF) Temperature effect on the characteristic solute–solvent retention interactions, calculated with Abraham&#039;s solvation model, for 16 GLC stationary phases - DOKUMEN.TIPS (11)

more dif®cult to create the cavity at higher tempera-

tures, thus worsening the retention.

The individual polar interaction retentions exhibit a

similar temperature dependence trend, but their gra-

dients were much smaller in both cases.

TFPS15 is an SP of little polarity, while XF-1150 is

a quite polar SP, which causes differences in the

retention behaviour of the common chemical func-

tions studied. In fact, the cavity-dispersion term is

smaller in the more polar SP for all functions. In

contrast, the polar contribution increases for the more

polar SP. For example, on comparing the behaviour of

octan-1-ol, octan-2-one, hexane nitrile and n-butyl

benzene (Table 6) at 1208C, ÿ�G�C=D�=2:303RT ,

for hexanenitrile on TFPS15 duplicates the correspond-

ing value on XF-1150, while ÿ�G�P�=2:303RT on

TFPS15 is one third of the value for XF-1150. Abra-

ham's solvation model permits to predict the retention

behaviour of a solute i on a given SP simply by

calculating these two interactions.

3.3. Dependence on temperature of the interaction±

retention for several chemical functions

Cycloalkanes, alkyl chlorides, alkyl acetates, alkyl

benzenes, n-alkanols, alkan-2-ones and nitriles on

PCL (70±1208C), TFPS15 (60±1408C) and XF-1150

(90±1508C) were studied. Good linear correlations for

the ÿ�G�C=D�=2:303RT vs. chain length, Z, at each

temperature on PCL were obtained for cycloalkanes

(av. r2�0.994) (Fig. 6(a)) and alkyl acetates (av.

r2�0.996), and somewhat worse correlations for alkyl

chlorides (av. r2�0.970) (correlation coef®cients were

the average of the six temperatures).

Excellent linear relationships betweenP�c� l log L16� and Z for alkyl benzenes (av.

r2�0.9991), nitriles (av. r2�0.9989) (Fig. 6(b)), alkyl

benzenes (av. r2�0.9995) and alkan-2-ones (av.

r2�0.9992) on TFPS15 were obtained (correlation

coef®cients were the average for ®ve temperatures).

For instance, at 1208C, an lms regression straight line

of parameters: slope�0.2465, intercept�ÿ0.0505 and

r2�0.9996 was obtained.

Furthermore, very good lms regression straight

lines were obtained for ÿ�G�C=D�=2:303RT vs. Z

on XF-1150: alkyl benzenes (av. r2�0.9990), nitriles

(av. r2�0.9989), n-alkanols (av. r2�0.9996) and

alkan-2-ones (av. r2�0.9997) (Fig. 6(c)) (correlation

coef®cients were the average of ®ve temperatures).

The retention (log Vgi) polar term against tempera-

ture increases very little with increasing Z, for

instance, ÿ�G�P�=2:303RT � 0:2749, 0.2770,

0.2779, 0.2795, 0.2793 and 0.2814 for n-alkanols

Z�3, 4, 5, 6 and 7, respectively, on TFPS15 within

the above temperature range. The slope of the lmsr

straight line for this case was very small, 0.00117 (as

compared with that of theÿ�G�C=D�=2:303RT vs. Z

lmsr straight line, 0.2465), showing that the polar term

for the various chain lengths for n-alkanols on TFPS15

is almost constant. The same trend was observed for

cycloalkanes (Fig. 6(a)), alkane nitriles (Fig. 6(b))

and methylketones (Fig. 6(c)), i.e. the variation with

Z of the polar part is quite small in comparison with

that of the nonpolar part.

In short, the cavity-dispersion term increases

with increasing chain length at each temperature.

On the contrary, the polar term remains virtually


Table 6

Comparison of interactive±retention terms of four solutes of different polarity on two unequally polar stationary phases at 1208C

Solute Stationary phase

TFPS15 XF-1150

ÿ�G�C=D�=2:303RT ÿ�G�P�=2:303RT ÿ�G�C=D�=2:303RT ÿ�G�P�=2:303RT

Octan-1-ol 1.9151 0.2814 1.1394 1.1279

Octan-2-one 1.7415 0.3940 0.9959 1.0427

Hexanenitrile 1.4302 0.5018 0.7386 1.3806

n-Butyl benzene 1.9683 0.2014 1.1834 0.7809

ÿ�G�C=D�=2:303RT �P�c� l log L16�, cavity-dispersion interaction term.

ÿ�G�P�=2:303RT �P�rR2 � s�H2 � a�H

2 �, polar interaction term.

J.M. Santiuste / Analytica Chimica Acta 377 (1998) 71±83 81

(PDF) Temperature effect on the characteristic solute–solvent retention interactions, calculated with Abraham&#039;s solvation model, for 16 GLC stationary phases - DOKUMEN.TIPS (12)


This work was developed under Project no. PB 91-

0077 of the Spanish DGICYT.


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Plot of the cavity-dispersion term,P�c� l log L16�, as a function of the chain length, Z, for some alkane nitriles on TFPS15 over the 60±

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range, spaced 158C apart. Symbols: (~) 908C; (*) 1058C; (&) 1208C; (~) 1358C; and (*) 1508C.

82 J.M. Santiuste / Analytica Chimica Acta 377 (1998) 71±83

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(PDF) Temperature effect on the characteristic solute–solvent retention interactions, calculated with Abraham&#039;s solvation model, for 16 GLC stationary phases - DOKUMEN.TIPS (2024)


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