Speak - Samenvatting - speak contents first marking - Studeersnel (2024)

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Engelse Taal En Literatuur


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OSG Willem Blaeu - Alkmaar

Studiejaar: 2023/2024

Boeken in lijstAn Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding: with Hume's Abstract of a Treatise of Human Nature and a Letter From a Gentleman to His Friend in EdinburghHarry Potter and the Philosopher's StoneHitler Mein KampfRoomSlaughterhouse 5

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  • 1The curious incident of the dog in nighttimeEngelse Taal En LiteratuurSamenvattingen100% (1)
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  • 4Samenvatting War HorseEngelse Taal En LiteratuurSamenvattingen67% (6)
  • 6the couple at number 9 assignments blackbirdsEngelse Taal En LiteratuurBoekverslagen100% (8)
  • 3Evolution of darcy and elizabeth from pride and prejudiceEngelse Taal En LiteratuurWerkstukken100% (5)


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  • first marking period.............................................................................................
  • second marking period........................................................................................
  • third marking period ..........................................................................................
  • fourth marking period........................................................................................
  • full book summary.............................................................................................
  • characters.........................................................................................................

SanctuaryIn Mr. Freeman’s art class, Melinda tries to make eye contact with Ivy, and wishes she couldsit with her. Mr. Freeman dares the students to find their souls this year. He directs eachstudent to draw a piece of paper from inside a hollow globe. One word will be on the paperthey draw. Their year-long assignment: turn the object named on the paper into a piece ofart. Melinda’s paper reads “tree.” Too easy, she thinks, and reaches to draw another one, butMr. Freeman doesn’t let her. “You just chose your destiny, you can’t change that.”EspañolIn Spanish class, Melinda’s teacher insists she is not going to speak a word of English thewhole year. The entire class is completely lost trying to interpret the teacher’s gestures andpantomimes to guess what she is saying. Finally, someone has the brilliant idea ofconsulting a Spanish-English dictionary.Home. Work.Two weeks of school have passed, and Melinda hasn’t had a meltdown, which is quite theaccomplishment. Her ex-friends continue to ignore her, and she gets bumped purposefullyand often in the hallways. At home, her family communicates with each other with notes onthe refrigerator. Melinda’s mom manages a clothing store where staff problems preoccupyher. Melinda orders pizza for dinner, and eats in the living room, but quickly makes it look likeshe hasn’t (it’s against the rules) when she hears her dad’s car pull up.Avoiding contact with her dad, Melinda goes to her bedroom, which is still roses and pink.Back in fifth grade, with Rachel leading the way, Melinda, Nicole, Ivy, and Jessica had allredone their rooms. Today, instead of doing homework, Melinda climbs under the covers onher bed. She sees herself in the mirror, crosses the room to take it down, and puts it in theback of the closet.Our Fearless LeaderMelinda hides in the school bathroom waiting for the all-clear. She watches a tenseexchange between the Principal (who she calls “Principal Principal”) and a student whodoesn’t have a hall pass.Fizz EdMelinda knows two girls in her gym class, Heather and Nicole. Nicole is a star soccer playerwho doesn’t mind changing her clothes in front of the other girls. She and Melinda hadn’tbeen that close before, in their group of friends. The gym teachers love Nicole. She showsPotential. She scored 35 goals against Melinda’s team one day. And she’s actually nice.She’s not a bitch, which makes it hard for Melinda to hate her.

FriendsRachel is in the bathroom. So is Melinda. Melinda can’t believe Rachel used to be her bestfriend. Unlike Rachel, who now calls herself Rachelle because she hangs out with theforeign exchange students, Melinda has no desire to try to be cool. The two girls exchange abit of small talk. Melinda would rather be screaming at her: stop treating me like dirt! Whatkind of friend doesn’t even try to find out the truth about what really happened? Rachelle,smoking a candy cigarette, blows fake smoke in Melinda’s face. Melinda decides she needsa friend, even a “pseudo, disposable friend,” or a “friend as accessory” will do.HeatheringHeather wants Melinda to join a club. But Melinda thinks clubs are stupid. Heather, on theother hand, wants to set goals, and she asks Melinda what her goals are. Melinda decidesthat she doesn’t really like Heather anymore – she thinks of her as an eager dog. And shedoesn’t say it out loud, but her goal is to go home and take a nap.BurrowMelinda has to make up homework in Hairwoman’s classroom and misses study hall. Thenext day, confused because study hall was moved to the library, Melinda, distraught, arriveslate. The librarian gives her a late pass. Later that day, while trying to avoid Mr. Neck whowants to collect her late homework, Melinda stumbles into an unused janitor’s closet. Shedecides she will turn it into her own safe space. Later, she grabs a pad of late passes fromHairwoman’s desk.Devils DestroyMelinda tries to duck out of the Homecoming Rally but ends up captured by Heather andfinds herself in the ninth grade bleacher section. When she sits down, a girl asks if she isMelinda Sordino, “the one who called the cops at Kyle Rodgers’s party?” Another girlschimes in that her brother was arrested at that party. Students bully, heckle, and pushMelinda. She tells herself to breathe, to not say anything. She can’t tell them what reallyhappened.CheerleadersMelinda concludes that the cheerleaders live in two realities at the same time—they sleepwith the football players on Saturday night and transform into “virginal goddesses” onMonday. At the end of the pep rally, Melinda is “accidentally” pushed down three rows ofbleachers.The Opposite of Inspiration Is... ExpirationIn art class, Melinda paints trees struck by lightning, wanting them to look “nearly dead.” Shestruggles to draw something she thinks should be so simple. She can’t find any emotion inthe trees she draws, and doubts Mr. Freeman will either.

The MarthasHeather finds a group to join that is “big on helping.” The “Marthas” named their group basedon Martha in the Bible. They are good-deed doers. Melinda agrees to help Heather on herprobationary task of decorating the faculty lounge. The Marthas compliment what they thinkis Heather’s work, and ask who Melinda is. One of them calls her “creepy,” and wonderswhat’s the matter with her lips. Melinda retreats to the bathroom where the salt from hertears stings her lips.NightmareMelinda sees “IT.” IT is everywhere. IT is her nightmare from which she cannot wake up.My Report CardMelinda’s report card shows one D, six C’s, two B’s, and an A in Art.

second marking period........................................................................................

Go _______ (Fill in the Blank)The school mascot will not be Tigers. The search for a school name continues. Currentchoices are The Bees, The Icebergs, Hilltoppers, or Wombats.Closet SpaceMelinda’s parents insist she stay after school to finish her homework. She does, but spendsthe time in her closet, or burrow. Sometimes she sleeps there. But mostly she thinks aboutwhat happened, about the “beast in my gut.” She thinks about how, even if she could erasethe memory, the stain of it will be with her forever. She finds comfort in her closet, where noone else can hear her thoughts.All Together NowStudents in the Spanish class have been pretending they don’t understand, and the teacheris on to them. She threatens detention if they keep pretending. Melinda decides conjugationof verbs beats detention, so she completes her work.Job DayStudents take the career assessment. Melinda’s results suggest she should pursue a careeras a firefighter, in forestry, communications, or mortuary science. Heather’s results point to acareer in nursing, which thrills her.First AmendmentMr. Neck opens class with a racist rant about immigration, followed by a debate: “Americashould have closed her borders in 1900.” Students do a bit of ancestry calculation anddiscover they wouldn’t be here if that was the case. David Petrakis takes a stand against Mr.Neck’s views, referencing the U. Constitution, free speech and the First Amendment, and“protesting the tone of this lesson as racist, intolerant, and xenophobic.” Told to sit down byMr. Neck, David instead picks up his books and walks out of class. “I have never heard amore eloquent silence,” observes Melinda.Giving ThanksOn most Thanksgivings, Melinda’s mom goes to work, and her dad orders pizza. This year,her mom wants to cook. Melinda and her dad plead with her not to, but she insists.Thanksgiving morning, the turkey is still in the freezer. After several hours trying to thaw it,while fielding emergency calls from work, she gives up. Melinda’s dad tries to make turkeysoup which turns out more like glue. They order pizza.

FoulWhile playing basketball during gym class, Melinda impresses the coach with her free-throwshooting skill. Nicole, the athlete extraordinaire, even compliments her. Melinda has zerointerest in playing on the basketball team, and her poor grades prove prohibitive anyhow.Melinda watches the boys practice. Basketball Pole, whose real name is Brendan Keller,can’t make a free-throw to save his life. He was the one who had bullied Melinda on the firstday of school, decorating her with mashed potatoes. The coaches contrive a plan. If Melindateaches Brendan how to shoot a free-throw, she’ll get an automatic A in gym class. Melindadecides she just won’t show up.Coloring Outside the LinesMelinda continues to struggle with her tree concept in art class. She tries carving a tree outof linoleum, but laments she can’t “bring it to life.” Meanwhile, Mr. Freeman continuesworking on his own project, which has been highlighted in the local paper. It’s a protest pieceagainst the school board, which has significantly reduced funding for his art classes. Severalboard members are somewhat recognizable in his painting.Poster ChildAt Heather’s request, Melinda goes to her house after school. Melinda “zones out” asHeather rants about her attempts to become a fully initiated Martha. Melinda agrees to helpHeather with the posters for a food drive.Dead FrogsIn biology, the room no longer smells like apples as the class is dissecting frogs. David,Melinda’s lab partner, takes charge, but it’s Melinda’s job to slice open the belly. The frogdoesn’t say a word – as Melinda thinks, “She’s already dead.” Melinda doesn’t rememberpassing out or hitting her head on the way down. As the doctor stitches up the gash, Melindaworries that the doctor might be able read the secret thoughts inside her head.Model CitizenHeather has a new job, modeling for a department store. Heather asks Melinda to go withher to the bathing suit shoot. But when the photographer repeatedly encourages Heatherwith, “Sexy, sexy, very cute. ... Sexy, think beach, think boys,” it creeps Melinda out.Death by AlgebraIn algebra class, Mr. Stetman tries to legitimize algebra by sharing a Real-Life Application.Today’s attempt involves calculating a sustainable guppy breeding population for a pet store.Melinda can barely pay attention.

Word WorkHairwoman continues to assign essays in English class, topics which, Melinda admits, arefun. But the essays keep coming, one after the other, and she’s trying to sneak grammar inas well. “Words are hard work,” Melinda decides.Naming the MonsterMelinda works on the posters for Heather’s Martha project for two weeks. While hangingthem around the school, IT creeps up behind her and whispers, “Freshmeat.” He remembersand he knows, Melinda realizes. She wants to throw up.Rent Round 3Melinda’s parents receive a call from the school guidance counselor about grades, whichprecipitates a battle at dinner that night. After a verbal assault from her parents, Melindagoes to her room where she scrapes her wrist with a bent paper clip. The next morning, hermom, seeing Melinda’s wrist, tells her, “I don’t have time for this, Melinda,” adding thatsuicide is for cowards.Can ItWhile sitting at lunch with Heather in the cafeteria, Siobhan, a member of the Marthas,approaches. She tells Heather that her little brother could have done a better job than shedid on the posters. Melinda listens to the back and forth, and Heather doesn’t defendMelinda. Meanwhile, the girls notice Andy Evans approaching. Melinda turns to look. AndyEvans is IT. He comes up behind Melinda and flirts with Emily. Then, he begins to play withMelinda’s ponytail, twirling it. Mumbling something “idiotic,” Melinda runs for the bathroomand vomits. No one comes looking for her.Dark ArtMr. Freeman is in trouble for not keeping paperwork and for giving out 210 A’s. He hasstopped working on his own project. Meanwhile, Melinda starts a new linoleum block, butaccidentally cuts herself with the chisel. While Melinda stops the bleeding with Kleenex, Mr.Freeman cleans the chisel, and pauses in front of his own canvas before slashing anddestroying it.My Report CardMelinda’s report card shows two D’s, six C’s, one B, and an A in Art.

Lunch DoomAwkwardly, Heather ends her friendship with Melinda over lunch one day. She asserts thatthey never really were friends, that they like different things, and that, actually, Melindadoesn’t like anything. She tells Melinda she is the most depressed person she’s ever met.Heather recommends Melinda get professional help. Melinda is shocked, even more sowhen Heather tells her she has “a reputation.” Then Heather walks away, leaving Melindawondering, “For what?”Conjugate ThisAngry, Melinda skips Spanish class.Cutting Out HeartsIt’s Valentine’s Day, and someone has taped a note to Melinda’s locker. She thinks it must bea joke. Someone wants to make her look stupid. So, she avoids opening it. She fantasizesabout who might have left her the note. Maybe David Petrakis, her lab partner? When shefinally gets back to her locker, the note is still there. She opens it and something drops fromthe card. She reads the note. “Thanks for understanding. You’re the sweetest! Good Luck!!!Heather.” On the ground is the friendship necklace Melinda had given Heather. Melindahears a cracking inside of her.Our Lady of the Waiting RoomMelinda arrives at the Lady of Mercy Hospital by accident. She was heading for the mall butfell asleep on the bus. She wanders the hospital’s wards and buys a fish platter in thecafeteria. She determines that nothing is wrong with her since the patients in the hospitals allhave sicknesses that can be seen. She heads to the bus stop.Clash of the TitansA tense meeting is held to discuss the fact that Melinda is failing her classes and has beenabsent a lot. Upset, her parents berate and threaten her, not hiding their frustration that shewon’t talk, that she won’t defend herself. It’s theatrics, they determine, an attempt to drawattention to herself. The guidance counselor asks if Melinda’s parents are having maritalissues. Both parents respond with foul language. In her head, Melinda questions theintelligence of the people at the meeting.MissMelinda receives In-School Suspension of which Mr. Neck is in charge. She doesn’t careone way or the other about the suspension until IT walks into the room. Melinda freezes,hoping to disappear in plain sight. IT sits next to her and blows in her ear.

PicassoMr. Freeman recognizes Melinda’s struggle, and tells her that her imagination is paralyzed.He introduces her to the art of Picasso. She opens a book of Picasso’s art, and once shegets past the chapters obsessed with naked women, his genius takes her breath away. Hisart draws her in, his cubism forcing her to see beyond what’s visible at the surface. Shewishes she could have known him, they’d have been friends, she’s sure of it. Revitalized,she begins to draw. Mr. Freeman looks on, approvingly.Riding ShotgunMelinda is meeting the expectations set for her: attend class, do the work. Her mothersuggests new clothes as a reward, but since her mom doesn’t have time to go with her, she’llgo on her own. While standing at the bus stop, a blizzard rips through the town. Mr. Freemanpulls up in his car and offers her a ride which she accepts. He compliments her recent artwork, and Melinda laments that her trees aren’t working out. She doesn’t know what itmeans to put her emotions into her art. They talk, and Mr. Freeman shares his philosophyand insights about it. When he drops her off at the mall, he tells her that, if she ever needs totalk, he is there. He tells Melinda that he thinks she is a good kid who has a lot to say, andthat he’d like to hear what she has to say.Hall of MirrorsMelinda is shopping for jeans on her own. In the dressing room, she looks at herself in themirror and wonders if she’s really inside the image before her. She peers at her bleeding,crusted lips, and wonders what it would be like to walk in new skin. Her feelings, sherealizes, are chewing her alive.GerminationIn biology, the class has finished its unit on plants, and the test, Ms. Keen suggests, willcertainly cover seeds. Melinda is amazed at the process of seed germination and finds itnearly miraculous that any survive after what they have to go through.Bologna ExileWith “no friends in the known universe,” Melinda eats alone, with her brown bag lunch, anecessary strategy for avoiding the cafeteria line and the attention it might draw. She sits inthe corner alone, the bologna girl, trying to ignore the possibility that others are laughing atand talking about her.Snow Day—School As UsualMelinda lives in Syracuse, so eight inches of snow overnight does not warrant a snow day. InEnglish class, Hairwoman wants to discuss what snow symbolized to Hawthorne. The classgroans. Melinda, for one, appreciates the quiet of the snow after the blizzard.

third marking period ..........................................................................................

ExterminatorsMany parents disapprove of the new school mascot, because of a cheer that has surfaced,which ends in “we are the hornets, the horny, horny, hornets! (and on and on and on).” TheHornet Hustle also contributes to the campaign to change the name. But the student councilpushes back. Apparently, they like their “Hornetdom.”The Wet SeasonSpring is here, and seniors are receiving their acceptance letters for college and preparingfor graduation. Melinda attends most of her classes, most of the time. Andy “Beast” joins theInternational Club and flirts with Rachel/Rachelle, who reciprocates.Spring BreakMelinda runs into Ivy at the mall toward the end of spring break. Ivy, who’s been working onclown faces as part of her art class theme, is sketching faces of the kids in line for facepainting. She hands Melinda the sketchbook. Melinda tells her the drawings look kind ofspooky, in an unexpected, but not creepy way. Unsure of what to say next, Melinda offers Ivya Lifesaver, and tells her it might have been a mistake to sign up for art. Ivy encourages herto ditch the linoleum block idea and instead just draw. She hands Melinda the sketchbook.Melinda sketches, and Ivy tells her that she’s off to a great start.GeneticsThe biology class has moved on to the study of genetics. Melinda observes that there’snothing about sex in the unit. Apparently, that’s an eleventh-grade topic. Her mind wandersand she remembers how she used to pretend she was adopted, and her “real” parents werea king and queen, which would make her a princess. She sketches a willow tree, and whenMs. Keen announces there will be a quiz the next day, realizes she’ll have to ask David ifshe can copy his notes.My Life as a SpyMelinda discovers that Rachel/Rachelle has gone to the movies with Andy Beast. Eventhough Rachel is her ex-friend, Melinda is worried about her. She sees Andy kiss Rachel in“not a Girl Scout” way and shivers.

Thin AtmosphereMelinda retreats to the closet, her burrow, and wonders what she should do. Could she tellGreta, or Ingrid, Rachel’s foreign exchange friends? She decides to write an anonymousnote, warning Rachel to be wary of Andy, who, it is rumored, attacked a ninth grader.Growing PainsMr. Freeman criticizes the tree Melinda has been struggling with. Frustrated, she throws thelinoleum block in the trash. Mr. Freeman brings her Kleenex and tells her there’s no suchthing as a perfect tree, in fact nothing is perfect, and that flaws are interesting. He suggeststhat she “be” the tree.Gag OrderMr. Neck and his lawyer have met with David Petrakis’ lawyer, the result being David hasfree rein to say whatever he wants in the class, but Mr. Neck is stricter than ever, failing mostof the class. Melinda writes an essay about suffragettes (women who fought for women’sright to vote). She says it is the best report she’s done, and hands it in on time. Mr. Neck tellsher she’ll present it orally the next day.No Justice, No PeaceThe thought of giving an oral report terrifies Melinda. She and David Petrakis devise a plan.Before class, she writes a note on the blackboard that expresses how the suffragettes stoodup for their beliefs, and withstood attacks, arrests, and jail time to do so. She writes, “I amwilling to stand up for what I believe. No one should be forced to give speeches. I choose tostay silent.” She tapes her suffragette poster over the note. When class starts, she rips downthe poster, reveals the note, and hands out printed copies of her report to each student. Mr.Neck gives her suspension and a D, but she doesn’t regret what she’s done.Advice from a Smart MouthDavid and Melinda debrief what happened with the oral report. Their conversation borderson flirtatious, and David tells her that he might call her over the summer.The Beast ProwlsMelinda works on her tree sketches after school, supported by Mr. Freeman. When heleaves for a faculty meeting, IT appears. Melinda smells him, the cologne she’s sure must becalled “Fear.” He asks if she’s seen Rachelle, Rachelle Bruin. He sits on the table, smearingher drawing. Luckily, Rachel and Ivy come into the room. Andy rips Melinda’s paper andheads out, arm around Rachel. Rachel must have received the note, Melinda thinks, butshe’s choosing to ignore it. Ivy sits down. Melinda is convinced Ivy must feel that somethingis not right. Once they’re alone, Ivy tells Melinda, “that creep [Andy] is trouble with a capital‘T’.”

Prom PreparationMelinda calls the Senior Prom the climax of mating season. Heather is in a panic and comescrawling back to Melinda for help. She appears at the Sordino doorstep, determined to getback in Melinda’s good graces. Up in Melinda’s room, she explains that the Marthas havegiven her the job of decorating the ballroom for the Prom. Melinda is embarrassed thatHeather sees the disheveled state of her bedroom. Heather offers to help Melinda re-do theroom. She says she now understands why Melinda had told her she hated her room, sayingto would be depressing to wake up in it. Heather insists that Melinda has to help her, butMelinda replies that no, she does not.Communication 101Melinda feels empowered by the way she’s stood her ground recently. She also feelscompelled to say something to Rachel about Andy. She encounters Rachel in the library.They talk hesitantly at first. The librarian tells them to be quiet, so they continue passingnotes back and forth, about the party, about that night. Melinda writes, “I didn’t call the copsto break up the party, I called them because some guy raped me.” Rachel, stunned, writeshow sorry she is. Melinda responds that she couldn’t tell anybody. No one knows. Rachelasks “WHO DID IT???” Melinda writes back, “Andy Evans.” Rachel, unable to accept therevelation, storms out, calling Melinda a jealous, “twisted little freak.”Chat RoomMelinda stands in the lobby and stares out at the buses, neither wanting to go home nor tostay at school. She hears Ivy calling her name. She wants to show Melinda something in thebathroom. In the stall, under Andy Evans name in the “Guys to Stay Away From” list arewords describing him: “He’s a creep. He’s a bastard.” Other warnings say, “Stay away!!!! Heshould be locked up. He thinks he’s all that. Call the cops.” Melinda describes her reaction towhat she reads as feeling like she can fly.PruningThe yard work continues, and Melinda’s dad has joined in. Professionals trim the tree nearMelinda’s bedroom window. Melinda is afraid they are killing it, but her dad tells her that bysummer’s end it will be the strongest on the block. Melinda rides her bike to the Rodgers’shouse, and walks to the site on the property where she was raped. She digs in the dirt,wondering what can burst forth from the surface. The seed she will care for, she decides, isthe quiet Melinda girl that she hasn’t seen in months.ProwlingMelinda returns home, ravenous. She eats lunch and works outside, raking, edging, mowing,and mulching the bushes. She falls asleep on the couch and wakes up after midnight. Nowalert, she rides her bike through the streets, past the houses of people she used to know, herex-friends. Melinda feels exhilarated.

PostpromMelinda pieces together the story about Rachel dumping Andy at the Prom when he becameinappropriately aggressive. Andy is now angry and “pissed off.”PreyMelinda realizes that she doesn’t need her burrow, or closet, anymore since she no longerwants to hide. After school, she goes to the closet and gathers things that she wants to takehome. As she steps out of the closet, Andy suddenly slams into her, flicks on the light, andcloses the door. She’s trapped. He tells her that she’s lied, that he’s never rapedanyone—because he doesn’t have to. Andy locks the door, grabs Melinda, and tells hershe’s not going to scream. But she does scream, “NNNOOO!!!” Andy hits Melinda, but shemanages to break a mirror on the wall, grab a shard of glass, and hold it to his neck. “I saidno,” she tells him emphatically. The girl’s lacrosse team had heard her scream, and they arestanding in the hall when she opens the door. Someone races away to get help.Final CutMelinda stays after school in Mr. Freeman’s art classroom to try to get her tree right. Shesays that the best part of her tree is its new growth. Some seniors come in to say goodbyeto Mr. Freeman. One of them, “Amber Cheerleader” sees Melinda and tells her “Way to go. Ihope you’re okay.” With only a few hours of school left, Melinda has found herself suddenlypopular. She realizes that IT happened, there’s no erasing it. But she’s not going to let it killher and she knows she can grow. Time is up and Melinda shows her picture to Mr. Freeman.She tears up, and he tells her she has an A+. Gently, he asks her, “You’ve been through alot, haven’t you?” Melinda nods. “Let me tell you about it.”

Speak - Samenvatting - speak contents first marking - Studeersnel (2024)


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Author: Stevie Stamm

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Name: Stevie Stamm

Birthday: 1996-06-22

Address: Apt. 419 4200 Sipes Estate, East Delmerview, WY 05617

Phone: +342332224300

Job: Future Advertising Analyst

Hobby: Leather crafting, Puzzles, Leather crafting, scrapbook, Urban exploration, Cabaret, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.